[kplato] KPlato Startup Pre-requisites

ian_d_stewart at bankone.com ian_d_stewart at bankone.com
Wed Oct 15 09:02:53 CEST 2003

Apologies in advance for jeopardy-style posts.  I'm using Lotus Notes...

I did start kplato from a terminal, specifically so that I could see any
warnings or errors.  None were displayed.


Ian D. Stewart
Open Systems Engineer II
Enterprise Midrange - Bank One Infrastructure & Operations
ian_d_stewart at bankone.com
(614) 244-2564

Dag Andersen <danders at get2net.dk>@mail.kde.org on 10/15/2003 02:09:29 AM

Please respond to kplato at kde.org

Sent by:  kplato-bounces-+ian_d_stewart=bankone.com at mail.kde.org

To:   kplato at kde.org

Subject:  Re: [kplato] KPlato Startup Pre-requisites

On Tirsdag den 14. oktober 2003 14:04, ian_d_stewart at bankone.com
> Dear List,
> I recently installed KPlato from the KOffice 031013 CVS snapshot.
> However, when I go to run the application, nothing happens.
> The compile completed without errors.  There were a handful of
> compile-time warnings (attached, in the off chance that they are
> meaningful to someone), but none of them appeared life threatening.
>  There were no warnings or errors when I launched the app.
> Is there something I'm missing?
If you didn't launch it from a terminal, please try that. You should
at least get some debug messages.
> TIA,
> Ian
> (See attached file: make.err)
> Ian D. Stewart
> Open Systems Engineer II
> Enterprise Midrange - Bank One Infrastructure & Operations
> ian_d_stewart at bankone.com
> (614) 244-2564
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Dag Andersen

kplato mailing list
kplato at mail.kde.org

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