[kplato] projects, subprojects and tasks

Thomas Zander zander at planescape.com
Sat May 3 12:18:15 CEST 2003

Hi again Heiko,

> >I'm absolutely against creating realy big classes.
> >
> Granted. Nevertheless I would like to ask how big such a class would 
> become? It would not have an openDialog. We would even take drawPert() 
> and move it into some kind of view object. (The node should not know how 
> to display itself. This should be done by some kind of formatter.)
> One might even think about moving the calculations to some other object, 
> as the calculating algorithms might have to be improved, and maybe the 
> calculation cannot be done on a local level, but only by an object that 
> takes the whole task tree into account? Then we would only have some 
> attributes and the subnode management. Would that really be too big?

Well; a big class is an effect of putting too much in there, certainly.
Next to that I see many C++ projects having loads of different things that
have a bit to do with one type of object all in one class.
But I see you obviously know about what kind of seperations are needed to keep
a maintainable project.
So if you think its not too big, I absolutely dont have a problem with that.

> >I'm wondering why I could not find a subproject class, what is the subproject
> >for class; and how is it different from Task.
> >In other words; aren't we making a whole lot of fuss about nothing?
> >
> I think it is KPTProject, at least that is what   
> KPTView::slotAddSubProject() instantiates. The more I think about it, 
> the more I come to the conclusion that the difference betwenn 
> task/subproject/milestone is more a difference of 
> formatting/displaying/view and has little to do with the data structure.
Back when I wrote the node clases, I used to be one of those people that
thought it was correct to put everything into one place if it was a bit
about one class (having everything in one place seemed A Good Thing).
Same argument as above, if you think it should be one class; go for it!

> I will keep thinking,

Nice to hear :)

I think therefor I am... Or something :)

Thomas Zander

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