[kplato] Debug question

Thomas Zander zander at planescape.com
Fri May 2 19:50:20 CEST 2003

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 03:22:38PM +0200, Heiko Evermann wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I noticed a rather strange behaviour that makes testing and debugging  a 
> bit bothersome:
> When I change the code and run /opt/kde3/koffice/kplato/kplato (the 
> local exe-file), I do not get to see the changes. Only after "make 
> install" do I see the changed program.

This is normal KDE CVS behavior

> My guess is this is caused by rather strange approach: Everything apart 
> from main.cc goes into a library in the ".libs"-subdirectory. "Make 
> install" installes this library somewhere within KDE. So starting the 
> local exe does not have any effect unless I install this. So even in 
> kdevelop/gideon I cannot debug the freshly built programm, I just do not 
> get the correct exe.
> To me this looks highly unusual.
> 1) What is the reason for this?

Don't know exactly, has to do with duplicate libraries and such (if you don't
install it); basically its a decision made by the KDE gurus quite some time
Ask kde-devel for more info if you want.

> 2) What can I do to debug my local version of kplato without installing it?

You can't

Thomas Zander

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