[kplato] Time to get involved again

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Mon Dec 15 09:30:22 CET 2003

On Søndag den 14. december 2003 01:19, Jim Sabatke wrote:
> OK, I got my system upgraded to a version of KDE where I think I
> can be useful again.  I've spent several days downloading (over
> dialup) and compiling.  I am having some trouble getting any of the
> compiled koffice programs to run.  I get the following errors when
> running kplato:
> koffice (lib kofficecore): ERROR: Couldn't find the native MimeType
> in kplato's desktop file. Check your installation !
> jim at yoda:/devel/kde/compiled/bin>
I'm not sure but I think this is because koffice/servicetypes/
has not been installed.
> Any idea of what I might have done wrong?
I always install all (most) of koffice under my own user, more or less 
as described here:
and then run the installed kplato (not the one in the compile dir).

Dag Andersen

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