[KPLATO] - Stage of development

Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL sipteamlog.fr at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 25 11:58:33 CEST 2003

Le Jeudi 24 Avril 2003 21:14, vous avez écrit :
> Op dinsdag 22 april 2003 15:22, schreef Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL:
> > After testing a while kplato, I have several general questions:
> > - when do you think that it will be enoughly stable to be integrated
> > within KOffice ?
> There is not much development going on, on kplato so it may take a while
> before it will be integrated into koffice.

If I understand well, a few work or none is currently done on the project. But 
it compiles with just a few possibilities and its stability is not proved. 
However, do you believe that it would be a good idea to clean and complete 
the few web pages which are done (for example with screenschots)?

> > - Do you have a kind of Schedule release plan for the product?
> See previous point.

I can also help quickly for a translation of the project (in French) in order 
to make it easier to people. If you think that it can be usefull.



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