[kplato] Re: KPlato

William Bonnet kplato@kde.org
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 19:28:36 +0200


In fact i've started to code the GUI...

I apologize for making no release so far, and almost gave no sign of life...

I should be able to release something displaying project data (task
ressource etc) and gantt view
in a few week (let say 15 of may)

I hoped that it would be ready for 1.2 but it won't...

I still not have all the time i would like to spend on kplato (that 's why
i'm asking for a few more weeks)
and i should have my brand new PC tomorow morning :)

A few weeks (months ?) ago, there was some talks on algorithm. Who is
working on this point ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bo Thorsen" <bo@sonofthor.dk>
To: <koffice@mail.kde.org>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: KPlato

On Thursday 04 April 2002 21:22, Richard Bos wrote:
> This was posted on kplato's mailing list last Tuesday.
> > I just found this list, and I wanted to let you know that I'm working on
> > kplato. Progress so far: kplato is now a real koffice application. It
> > the beginning of a gui and by now I can load and save something. The
> > steps will be to make the gui be able to edit projects and finish file
> > saving/loading.
> However, any help is appreciated :)
> Op donderdag 4 april 2002 15:40, schreef S. Bosscher:
> > Hello,
> >
> > After reading the thread about the release schedule, I was wondering
> > if anybody is still working on KPlato. It seems that one of the Most
> > Wanted Applications for Linux right now is a project management tool
> > (at least I haven't seen one that satisfied my needs), so it would be
> > a shame if KPlato is dead.
> >
> > So, is there any news from the KPlato front?

As Richard said, I'm working on it right now. But it's not going to be ready
for 1.2. Not even close.

I think it will take a couple of months before there will be something
remotely useful. And at least 6 months before it gets good. Unless, of
course, someone else starts coding (notch, notch :-)



     Bo Thorsen                 |   Praestevejen 4
     Free software developer    |   5290 Marslev
     SuSE Labs                  |   Denmark