display pictures sorted by filename

g gsv000 at comcast.net
Mon Feb 28 20:15:02 GMT 2022


I find myself needing to order scanned images in time and try to assign 
dates to them. The filenames themselves are reasonably sorted, i.e. when 
I list the filenames alphabetically they are also close to ordered in 
time. The problem is that the files themselves have mtimes that are 
practically randomly ordered and it looks to me that kphotoablum uses 
mtime as the sorting criterion in the absence of exif info etc.
Is there a way for me to tell kphotoalbum to display the selected 
pictures ordered by filename? (For example we can say View|Show oldest 
first or show newest first. Could we not use other criteria for ordering 
selected images?).

As an alternative I was thinking about a small script that would sort 
the files by name, and then assign/touch the mtime attribute, 
incrementing it by an hour or a day for each successive file. Am I 
overthinking this?

A made-up example:

I have   filename scan_19931020.tiff  with mtime 2022-01-22T101112
and then          scan_19891101.tiff  with mtime 2022-02-22T103344
and so on.

Thank you.


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