[KPhotoAlbum] Can't read raw images

Benny Simonsen benny.kphotoalbum at slbs.dk
Sun Aug 15 08:39:37 BST 2021

I can't view my old Canon raw .tif images anymore in KPhotoalbum.
I can see the newer .crw and .cr2 images works fine.

I have upgraded my PC, and it might be long time ago it have worked, so I
don't know what have changed.

Details on current and previous system are listed below.

Anyone that can help me viewing my old raw .tif images in KPhotoalbum?

Thank you
br, Benny Simonsen

*Current system: Linuxmint 20.2.*
Kphotoalbum: Build 33e7fe80(master) following the build-documentation + the
extra LibAV + another optional dependency added after v5.8.1
And the deb package Kphotoalbum 5.6.1-1
=> Both can't show my raw .tif images.

VLC installed and selected as video player in KPhotoalbum

*Prior system.*
Linuxmint and Debian
I have prior used UFRaw + URwaw batch - I don't know if KPhotoalbum have
used it, but it have dissaperaed from the linuxmint repo due to
*MPlayer2*: Not installed, I can't see it should be a dependency any more
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