[KPhotoAlbum] Qt 5.5

Robert Krawitz rlk at alum.mit.edu
Wed Oct 17 01:46:45 BST 2018

That's deprecated, correct?

>From DB/ImageInfo.cpp around line 160:

bool DB::ImageInfo::hasCategoryInfo( const QString& key, const StringSet& values ) const
    // OpenSuse leap 42.1 still ships with Qt 5.5
    // TODO: remove this version check once we don't care about Qt 5.6 anymore...
    return values.intersects( m_categoryInfomation[key] );
    StringSet tmp = values;
    return ! tmp.intersect( m_categoryInfomation[key] ).isEmpty();

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

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