[KPhotoAlbum] GPSDateStamp + GPSTimeStamp

Benny Simonsen benny at slbs.dk
Sat Apr 28 16:37:45 BST 2018


Pictures taken with my phone are sorted wrong

They does not contain a DateTime field in the Exif.Image section of exif
They contain a GPSDateStamp + GPSTimeStamp in Exif.GPSInfo section of exif
... and the file date is set to when they have been copied from the phone,
so it is not usable.

Does this work for you - and how?

OS: Linux Mint 18.3 (Ubuntu 16.04)
KPhotoalbum: New from git.
Note jhead can't read the GPSDateStamp + GPSTimeStamp, but I can see them
in KPhotoalbum Exif viewer.

Example image: http://slbs.dk/img_20160508_205637.jpg
exif command gives the following output:
EXIF tags in 'img_20160508_205637.jpg' ('Motorola' byte order):
Tag                 |Value
Orientation         |Top-left
Model               |Nexus 6
Image Width         |4160
Image Length        |3120
Manufacturer        |motorola
X-Resolution        |72
Y-Resolution        |72
Resolution Unit     |Inch
F-Number            |f/2,0
Focal Length        |3,8 mm
Aperture            |2,00 EV (f/2,0)
Pixel X Dimension   |4160
Shutter Speed       |-7,81 EV (224 sec.)
ISO Speed Ratings   |40
Pixel Y Dimension   |3120
Exposure Time       |1/226 sec.
Exif Version        |Exif Version 2.1
FlashPixVersion     |FlashPix Version 1.0
Color Space         |Internal error (unknown value 65535)
GPS Date            |2016:05:08
Altitude Reference  |Sea level
East or West Longitu|E
Longitude           |10,  0, 36,44
North or South Latit|N
GPS Time (Atomic Clo|18:56:26,00
Altitude            |49,00
Latitude            |57,  6, 26,52

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