[KPhotoAlbum] problems compiling KPA on Ubuntu 16.4 (LTS)

Tobias Leupold tobias.leupold at gmx.de
Thu Jan 26 10:00:16 GMT 2017

Hi Andreas!

Version 5.0.1 didn't have this code yet; it would be a bad idea to build this 
version though, because we fixed a lot of (porting) bugs and regressions with 

If you can't update to a more recent Qt version, probably, you can try to 
build the lastest KDE4 version of KPA? You'll probably get less bugs there.

But the real question is: why is there no packaged KPA on Ubuntu you can use 


E-Mail vom 23.01.2017, 22:16 von Andreas Schleth:
> Hi Johannes,
> in your build instructions you mention "Ubuntu" without naming a release ...
> My daughter is trying to install KPA on a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.4
> LTS and has a few problems - see attachments.  The build fails when
> trying to use a QT function that was introduced in QT 5.6.  Is there an
> easy way to fix this?
> Or, alternative solution: which is the latest version that compiles on 16.4?
> Andreas

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