[KPhotoAlbum] Multi-image annotation dialog annoyance

Johannes Zarl-Zierl johannes at zarl-zierl.at
Tue Nov 8 22:15:07 GMT 2016

On Montag, 7. November 2016 21:06:19 CET Reimar Imhof wrote:
> Now and again I can see the size of the preview area change.
> Sometimes it's empty, sometimes it shows a photo (spiff_2.jpeg).
> Sometimes that photo disappears immediately - before the debugger hits the
> breakpoint the next time.
> I don't know if this helps - well I hope.

Can you try setting the breakpoint a little higher in the stack, at 
ImagePreview::pixmapLoaded() and look at the value of
request->m_priority ?

Is the value always ImageManager::Viewer, or does it change?


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