[KPhotoAlbum] Problems with libkgeomap - again

Matthias Heukäufer m.heukaeufer at posteo.de
Fri Feb 12 13:35:48 GMT 2016


I have again a problem with building kphotoalbum 4.6.2 and 4.7. on 
Debian jessie.
Thanks to Johannes, I was finally able to get it working with libkgeomap 
on my laptop computer (64-bit).
I have now been trying to achieve the same on my old desktop, running 
the same Debian version. The only obvious difference is this machine 
beeing 32-bit.
I have tried all possible combinations: version 4.6.2 versus 4.7, 
libkgeomap installed locally versus globally, but nothing helps.
Whenever I start kphotoalbum (both with my real database or the demo 
database), the program crashes a few seconds after I open the thumbnail 
On the terminal I get the following error message:
ASSERT: "!fileName.isNull()" in file 
line 179

When I build the program without kgeomap, it runs fine.
Does anybody have an idea how I could solve this?

Thank you - Matthias

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