[KPhotoAlbum] A few stacking issues

Robert Krawitz rlk at alum.mit.edu
Sun Feb 3 17:14:13 GMT 2013

Another stacking issue: if I have stacked images, and I token one of the
photos (normally the top of the stack), only the top photo gets the
token.  I haven't tried other kinds of tagging.

To reproduce:

1) Create an image stack.  The particular case is JPEG+RAW.

2) In the viewer, token some of the images that go by.

3) In the search dialog, search for files named .*.jpg.

Result: only JPEGs that were at the top of their stack will be found.
JPEGS that weren't at the top of the stack won't have the token.

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

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