[KPhotoAlbum] Bug in latest snapshot regarding umlaute in category names?

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Wed Jul 29 22:42:37 BST 2009

I can't reproduce the bug, can you please have a look at 
http://www.kdab.com/~blackie/dump/out.ogv and tell me what you do differently


On Monday 27 July 2009 16:18:26 Jakob Sack wrote:
| Hi,
| I use kphotoalbum för several years now.
| The Categorys I have are "Orte" (Places), "Personen" (People) and
| "Schlüsselbegriffe" (Keywords).
| I used to add the keyword "OK" to photos I tagged.
| Now in the latest snapshot I can not mark a photo as "OK". Even worse,
| photos I already tagged "OK" lost this keyword as soon as I edit any other
| tag. Here is some step by step instruction:
| 1) select a photo and select "Annotate Individual Items"
| 2) in "Schhlüsselbegriffe" I check the tag "OK"
| 3) Press done => the "Schlüsselbegriff" did not change
| This bug even "works" with the demo database. Just create a new category
| with any umlaut and it is not possible to select any tags in this category.
| Assigning tags with umlauts to a normal category works. So it is possible
| to select "äöü" as a place.
| Hope this helps.
| Jakob
| Am Montag, 27. Juli 2009 15:59:19 schrieben Sie:
| > On Monday 27 July 2009 15:45:03 Jakob Sack wrote:
| > | Hi,
| > |
| > | I just compiled the latest snapshot of kphotoalbum. I really like the
| > | new features. However, it seems like there is a small bug.
| > | There is a category called "Schlüsselbegriffe", probably keys or
| > | something like this in English. I can do what I want, I am unable to
| > | assign any tag to this category. Other categories (without umlauts in
| > | the name) work fine though. Any ideas?
| >
| > What do you mean by unable to assign any tags? could you elaborate a bit
| > on the steps you are taking here?
| >
| > | Jakob

Having trouble finding a given image in your collection containing
thousands of images?

http://www.kphotoalbum.org might be the answer.

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