[KPhotoAlbum] Sorting several folders

jedd jedd at progsoc.org
Mon Jan 5 14:49:32 GMT 2009

On Sun Jan 4 2009, Vitus Jensen wrote:
> So correcting EXIF dates is common usage pattern when having photos
> with incorrect infos?  Filename / Ctrl-1 info isn't enough?  Will do.

 It's a matter of taste, I reckon.

 For me, I wanted my images to have as accurate a date as
 possible, so that from then on I could just rely on that date
 and not have to worry about other meta data (such as the
 date stamp of the file itself).

 What I usually do (on GNu/Linux) is run 'exiffile' (from a rinky
 dinky exif suite I found on the net) with a -t that forces the
 timestamp on the file to match that of the exif info.  I run
 this against all my files once I've done batch work with them,
 just to keep things 'neat'.  Or obsessive compulsive.  Take your
 pick.  :)

> I've already entered most infos and renamed the files according to
> the correct date/time.  It's just that I are a little reluctant to
> modify files by writing EXIF infos to them.  As I'm coming from OS/2
> I used to use Extended Attributes for such modifications and kept the
> originals. But the use of xattr is not very common in linux :-(

 Yup.  I get that concern.  I make backups of all things before
 doing any work like this against them, but once I'm happy
 then the modified files become my new originals.  I think
 things like reiserfs v4 had this kind of thing in it, or as you
 say the xattr stuff, but it'll be a while before either is popular
 enough across enough platforms to make it useful, IMHO.


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