[KPhotoAlbum] [PATCH 6/8] Cleanup: Moved implementation from SettingsData.h to SettingsData.cpp

Michael Witten mfwitten at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 21 08:46:42 BST 2008

This is the beginning of a campaign to cleanup SettingsData. The macro
cruft has been significantly reduced via increases in consistency and

Signed-off-by: Michael Witten <mfwitten at mit.edu>
 Settings/SettingsData.cpp |  113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 Settings/SettingsData.h   |  165 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Settings/SettingsData.cpp b/Settings/SettingsData.cpp
index 0f3fbec..0cf4337 100644
--- a/Settings/SettingsData.cpp
+++ b/Settings/SettingsData.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <QApplication>
-#include <QColor>
 #include <QDesktopWidget>
 #include <QDir>
 #include <QPixmap> //Added by qt3to4
@@ -51,6 +50,36 @@
 #define STR(x) QString::fromLatin1(x)
+    GET_TYPE SettingsData::GET_FUNC() const                                              \
+    {                                                                                    \
+        KConfigGroup g = KGlobal::config()->group(GROUP);                                \
+                                                                                         \
+        if ( !g.hasKey(OPTION) )                                                         \
+            return GET_DEFAULT_1;                                                        \
+                                                                                         \
+        GET_DEFAULT_2_TYPE v = g.readEntry<GET_DEFAULT_2_TYPE>( OPTION, GET_DEFAULT_2 ); \
+        return GET_VALUE;                                                                \
+    }                                                                                    \
+    void SettingsData::SET_FUNC( const SET_TYPE v )                                      \
+    {                                                                                    \
+        KConfigGroup group = KGlobal::config()->group(GROUP);                            \
+        group.writeEntry( OPTION, SET_VALUE );                                           \
+        group.sync();                                                                    \
+    }
+#define property_copy( GET_FUNC,SET_FUNC, TYPE,GROUP,GET_DEFAULT ) \
+#define property_ref( GET_FUNC,SET_FUNC, TYPE,GROUP,GET_DEFAULT ) \
+#define property_enum( GET_FUNC,SET_FUNC, TYPE,GROUP,GET_DEFAULT ) \
+#define property_sset( GET_FUNC,SET_FUNC, GROUP,GET_DEFAULT ) \
+    property( StringSet,GET_FUNC,v.toSet(),  SET_FUNC,StringSet&,v.toList(),  #GROUP,#GET_FUNC,GET_DEFAULT,QStringList(),QStringList )
  * smoothScale() is called from the image loading thread, therefore we need
  * to cache it this way, rather than going to KConfig.
@@ -79,6 +108,75 @@ SettingsData::SettingsData( const QString& imageDirectory )
     _smoothScale = value( "Viewer", "smoothScale", true );
+//// General ////
+property_ref ( backend                               , setBackend                               ,  QString        , General , QString::fromLatin1("xml") );
+property_copy( useEXIFRotate                         , setUseEXIFRotate                         ,  bool           , General , true                       );
+property_copy( useEXIFComments                       , setUseEXIFComments                       ,  bool           , General , true                       );
+property_copy( searchForImagesOnStartup              , setSearchForImagesOnStartup              ,  bool           , General , true                       );
+property_copy( dontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile , setDontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile ,  bool           , General , false                      );
+property_copy( useCompressedIndexXML                 , setUseCompressedIndexXML                 ,  bool           , General , false                      );
+property_copy( compressBackup                        , setCompressBackup                        ,  bool           , General , true                       );
+property_copy( showSplashScreen                      , setShowSplashScreen                      ,  bool           , General , true                       );
+property_copy( autoSave                              , setAutoSave                              ,  int            , General , 5                          );
+property_copy( backupCount                           , setBackupCount                           ,  int            , General , 5                          );
+property_enum( tTimeStamps                           , setTTimeStamps                           ,  TimeStampTrust , General , Always                     );
+//// Thumbnails ////
+property_copy( displayLabels            , setDisplayLabels           ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , true       );
+property_copy( displayCategories        , setDisplayCategories       ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , false      );
+property_copy( autoShowThumbnailView    , setAutoShowThumbnailView   ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , 0          );
+property_copy( showNewestThumbnailFirst , setShowNewestFirst         ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , false      );
+property_copy( thumbnailDarkBackground  , setThumbnailDarkBackground ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , true       );
+property_copy( thumbnailDisplayGrid     , setThumbnailDisplayGrid    ,  bool                  , Thumbnails , false      );
+property_copy( previewSize              , setPreviewSize             ,  int                   , Thumbnails , 256        );
+property_copy( thumbnailSpace           , setThumbnailSpace          ,  int                   , Thumbnails , 1          );
+property_enum( thumbnailAspectRatio     , setThumbnailAspectRatio    ,  ThumbnailAspectRatio  , Thumbnails , Aspect_4_3 );
+//// Viewer ////
+property_ref ( viewerSize                , setViewerSize                ,  QSize            , Viewer , QSize(800,600) );
+property_ref ( slideShowSize             , setSlideShowSize             ,  QSize            , Viewer , QSize(800,600) );
+property_copy( launchViewerFullScreen    , setLaunchViewerFullScreen    ,  bool             , Viewer , false          );
+property_copy( launchSlideShowFullScreen , setLaunchSlideShowFullScreen ,  bool             , Viewer , false          );
+property_copy( showInfoBox               , setShowInfoBox               ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showLabel                 , setShowLabel                 ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showDescription           , setShowDescription           ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showDate                  , setShowDate                  ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showImageSize             , setShowImageSize             ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showTime                  , setShowTime                  ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( showFilename              , setShowFilename              ,  bool             , Viewer , false          );
+property_copy( showEXIF                  , setShowEXIF                  ,  bool             , Viewer , true           );
+property_copy( slideShowInterval         , setSlideShowInterval         ,  int              , Viewer , 5              );
+property_copy( viewerCacheSize           , setViewerCacheSize           ,  int              , Viewer , 25             );
+property_copy( infoBoxWidth              , setInfoBoxWidth              ,  int              , Viewer , 400            );
+property_copy( infoBoxHeight             , setInfoBoxHeight             ,  int              , Viewer , 300            );
+property_enum( infoBoxPosition           , setInfoBoxPosition           ,  Position         , Viewer , Bottom         );
+property_enum( viewerStandardSize        , setViewerStandardSize        ,  StandardViewSize , Viewer , FullSize       );
+//// Miscellaneous ////
+property_copy( delayLoadingPlugins, setDelayLoadingPlugins,  bool, Plug-ins, true  );
+//// EXIF ////
+#ifdef HAVE_EXIV2
+    property_sset( exifForViewer , setExifForViewer ,           EXIF , StringSet()                            );
+    property_sset( exifForDialog , setExifForDialog ,           EXIF , Exif::Info::instance()->standardKeys() );
+    property_ref ( iptcCharset   , setIptcCharset   , QString , EXIF , QString::null                          );
 bool SettingsData::smoothScale() const
     return _smoothScale;
@@ -370,12 +468,6 @@ bool SettingsData::value( const QString& grp, const char* option, bool defaultVa
     return config->group(grp).readEntry<bool>( option, defaultValue );
-QColor SettingsData::value( const char* grp, const char* option, const QColor& defaultValue ) const
-    KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
-    return config->group(grp).readEntry<QColor>( option, defaultValue );
 QSize SettingsData::value( const char* grp, const char* option, const QSize& defaultValue ) const
     KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
@@ -421,13 +513,6 @@ void SettingsData::setValue( const char* grp, const char* option, bool value )
     setValue( STR(grp), option, value);
-void SettingsData::setValue( const char* grp, const char* option, const QColor& value )
-    KConfigGroup group = KGlobal::config()->group(grp);
-    group.writeEntry( option, value );
-    group.sync();
 void SettingsData::setValue( const char* grp, const char* option, const QSize& value )
     KConfigGroup group = KGlobal::config()->group(grp);
diff --git a/Settings/SettingsData.h b/Settings/SettingsData.h
index 1c5fb14..f06f05b 100644
--- a/Settings/SettingsData.h
+++ b/Settings/SettingsData.h
@@ -35,33 +35,12 @@
     namespace SQLDB { class DatabaseAddress; }
-#define property_decl( getType,getFunction, setFunction,setType ) \
-    getType getFunction() const;                                    \
-    void set##setFunction( const setType )
-#define property_decl_copy( type, getFunction, setFunction ) property_decl( type,getFunction, setFunction,type  )
-#define property_decl_ref( type, getFunction, setFunction )  property_decl( type,getFunction, setFunction,type& )
-#define property( group, prop, getFunction, setFunction, defaultValue, type ) \
-    type getFunction() const                                                  \
-    {                                                                         \
-        return (type)value( #group, prop, defaultValue );                     \
-    }                                                                         \
-    void set##setFunction( type val )                                         \
-    {                                                                         \
-        setValue( #group, prop, val );                                        \
-    }
-#define property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, type ) property(#group,#prop,prop,setFunction,defaultValue,type)
-#define property_2( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, type ) property( group,#prop,prop,setFunction,defaultValue,type)
-#define       intProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, int       )
-#define      boolProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, bool      )
-#define     colorProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, QColor    )
-#define      sizeProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, QSize     )
-#define    stringProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, QString   )
-#define stringSetProperty( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue ) property_1( group, prop, setFunction, defaultValue, StringSet )
-// Adding a new type? Don't forget to #undef these macros at the end.
+#define property( GET_TYPE,GET_FUNC, SET_FUNC,SET_TYPE ) \
+    GET_TYPE GET_FUNC() const;                           \
+    void SET_FUNC( const SET_TYPE )
+#define property_copy( GET_FUNC, SET_FUNC , TYPE ) property( TYPE,GET_FUNC, SET_FUNC,TYPE  )
+#define property_ref(  GET_FUNC, SET_FUNC , TYPE ) property( TYPE,GET_FUNC, SET_FUNC,TYPE& )
 namespace DB
@@ -94,40 +73,37 @@ public:
     //// General ////
-    stringProperty( General , backend                               , Backend                               , QString::fromLatin1("xml") );
-      boolProperty( General , useEXIFRotate                         , UseEXIFRotate                         , true                       );
-      boolProperty( General , useEXIFComments                       , UseEXIFComments                       , true                       );
-      boolProperty( General , searchForImagesOnStartup              , SearchForImagesOnStartup              , true                       );
-      boolProperty( General , dontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile , DontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile , false                      );
-      boolProperty( General , useCompressedIndexXML                 , UseCompressedIndexXML                 , false                      );
-      boolProperty( General , compressBackup                        , CompressBackup                        , true                       );
-      boolProperty( General , showSplashScreen                      , ShowSplashScreen                      , true                       );
-       intProperty( General , autoSave                              , AutoSave                              , 5                          );
-       intProperty( General , backupCount                           , BackupCount                           , 5                          );
-        property_1( General , tTimeStamps                           , TTimeStamps                           , 0,       TimeStampTrust    );
-    property_decl_ref( QSize, histogramSize, HistogramSize );
+    property_ref ( histogramSize                         , setHistogramSize                         , QSize          );
+    property_ref ( backend                               , setBackend                               , QString        );
+    property_copy( useEXIFRotate                         , setUseEXIFRotate                         , bool           );
+    property_copy( useEXIFComments                       , setUseEXIFComments                       , bool           );
+    property_copy( searchForImagesOnStartup              , setSearchForImagesOnStartup              , bool           );
+    property_copy( dontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile , setDontReadRawFilesWithOtherMatchingFile , bool           );
+    property_copy( useCompressedIndexXML                 , setUseCompressedIndexXML                 , bool           );
+    property_copy( compressBackup                        , setCompressBackup                        , bool           );
+    property_copy( showSplashScreen                      , setShowSplashScreen                      , bool           );
+    property_copy( autoSave                              , setAutoSave                              , int            );
+    property_copy( backupCount                           , setBackupCount                           , int            );
+    property_copy( viewSortType                          , setViewSortType                          , ViewSortType   );
+    property_copy( tTimeStamps                           , setTTimeStamps                           , TimeStampTrust );
     bool trustTimeStamps();
-    property_decl_copy( ViewSortType, viewSortType, ViewSortType );
     //// Thumbnails ////
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , displayLabels            , DisplayLabels           , true                              );
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , displayCategories        , DisplayCategories       , false                             );
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , autoShowThumbnailView    , AutoShowThumbnailView   , 0                                 );
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , showNewestThumbnailFirst , ShowNewestFirst         , false                             );
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , thumbnailDarkBackground  , ThumbnailDarkBackground , true                              );
-    boolProperty( Thumbnails , thumbnailDisplayGrid     , ThumbnailDisplayGrid    , false                             );
-     intProperty( Thumbnails , previewSize              , PreviewSize             , 256                               );
-     intProperty( Thumbnails , thumbnailSpace           , ThumbnailSpace          , 1                                 ); // Border space around thumbnails.
-      property_1( Thumbnails , thumbnailAspectRatio     , ThumbnailAspectRatio     , Aspect_4_3 , ThumbnailAspectRatio );
-    property_decl_copy( int, thumbnailCacheScreens, ThumbnailCacheScreens );
-    property_decl_copy( int, thumbSize, ThumbSize );
+    property_copy( displayLabels            , setDisplayLabels           , bool                 );
+    property_copy( displayCategories        , setDisplayCategories       , bool                 );
+    property_copy( autoShowThumbnailView    , setAutoShowThumbnailView   , bool                 );
+    property_copy( showNewestThumbnailFirst , setShowNewestFirst         , bool                 );
+    property_copy( thumbnailDarkBackground  , setThumbnailDarkBackground , bool                 );
+    property_copy( thumbnailDisplayGrid     , setThumbnailDisplayGrid    , bool                 );
+    property_copy( previewSize              , setPreviewSize             , int                  );
+    property_copy( thumbnailSpace           , setThumbnailSpace          , int                  ); // Border space around thumbnails.
+    property_copy( thumbnailCacheScreens    , setThumbnailCacheScreens   , int                  );
+    property_copy( thumbSize                , setThumbSize               , int                  );
+    property_copy( thumbnailAspectRatio     , setThumbnailAspectRatio    , ThumbnailAspectRatio );
     size_t thumbnailCacheBytes() const;   // convenience method
@@ -140,46 +116,45 @@ public:
     //// Viewer ////
-    sizeProperty( Viewer , viewerSize                , ViewerSize                , QSize(800,600)              );
-    sizeProperty( Viewer , slideShowSize             , SlideShowSize             , QSize(800,600)              );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , launchViewerFullScreen    , LaunchViewerFullScreen    , false                       );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , launchSlideShowFullScreen , LaunchSlideShowFullScreen , false                       );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showInfoBox               , ShowInfoBox               , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showLabel                 , ShowLabel                 , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showDescription           , ShowDescription           , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showDate                  , ShowDate                  , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showImageSize             , ShowImageSize             , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showTime                  , ShowTime                  , true                        );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showFilename              , ShowFilename              , false                       );
-    boolProperty( Viewer , showEXIF                  , ShowEXIF                  , true                        );
-     intProperty( Viewer , slideShowInterval         , SlideShowInterval         , 5                           );
-     intProperty( Viewer , viewerCacheSize           , ViewerCacheSize           , 25                          );
-     intProperty( Viewer , infoBoxWidth              , InfoBoxWidth              , 400                         );
-     intProperty( Viewer , infoBoxHeight             , InfoBoxHeight             , 300                         );
-      property_1( Viewer , viewerStandardSize        , ViewerStandardSize        , FullSize , StandardViewSize );
-      property_1( Viewer , infoBoxPosition           , InfoBoxPosition           , 0        , Position         );
-    property_decl_copy( bool, smoothScale, SmoothScale);
+    property_ref ( viewerSize                , setViewerSize                , QSize            );
+    property_ref ( slideShowSize             , setSlideShowSize             , QSize            );
+    property_copy( launchViewerFullScreen    , setLaunchViewerFullScreen    , bool             );
+    property_copy( launchSlideShowFullScreen , setLaunchSlideShowFullScreen , bool             );
+    property_copy( showInfoBox               , setShowInfoBox               , bool             );
+    property_copy( showLabel                 , setShowLabel                 , bool             );
+    property_copy( showDescription           , setShowDescription           , bool             );
+    property_copy( showDate                  , setShowDate                  , bool             );
+    property_copy( showImageSize             , setShowImageSize             , bool             );
+    property_copy( showTime                  , setShowTime                  , bool             );
+    property_copy( showFilename              , setShowFilename              , bool             );
+    property_copy( showEXIF                  , setShowEXIF                  , bool             );
+    property_copy( smoothScale               , setSmoothScale               , bool             );
+    property_copy( slideShowInterval         , setSlideShowInterval         , int              );
+    property_copy( viewerCacheSize           , setViewerCacheSize           , int              );
+    property_copy( infoBoxWidth              , setInfoBoxWidth              , int              );
+    property_copy( infoBoxHeight             , setInfoBoxHeight             , int              );
+    property_copy( infoBoxPosition           , setInfoBoxPosition           , Position         );
+    property_copy( viewerStandardSize        , setViewerStandardSize        , StandardViewSize );
     //// Categories ////
+    property_ref( albumCategory, setAlbumCategory , QString);
     QString fileForCategoryImage ( const QString& category, QString member ) const;
     void    setCategoryImage     ( const QString& category, QString, const QImage& image );
     QPixmap categoryImage        ( const QString& category,  QString, int size ) const;
-    property_decl_ref( QString, albumCategory, AlbumCategory );
     //// EXIF ////
 #ifdef HAVE_EXIV2
-    stringSetProperty ( EXIF , exifForViewer , ExifForViewer , StringSet()                            );
-    stringSetProperty ( EXIF , exifForDialog , ExifForDialog , Exif::Info::instance()->standardKeys() );
-    stringProperty    ( EXIF , iptcCharset   , IptcCharset   , QString::null                          );
+    property_ref( exifForViewer , setExifForViewer , StringSet );
+    property_ref( exifForDialog , setExifForDialog , StringSet );
+    property_ref( iptcCharset   , setIptcCharset   , QString   );
@@ -187,23 +162,23 @@ public:
-    property_decl_ref( SQLDB::DatabaseAddress, SQLParameters, SQLParameters );
+    property_ref( SQLParameters, setSQLParameters , SQLDB::DatabaseAddress);
     //// Miscellaneous ////
-    boolProperty( Plug-ins, delayLoadingPlugins, DelayLoadingPlugins, true );
+    property_copy( delayLoadingPlugins, setDelayLoadingPlugins , bool);
-    property_decl_ref( QDate , fromDate , FromDate );
-    property_decl_ref( QDate , toDate   , ToDate   );
+    property_ref( fromDate , setFromDate , QDate );
+    property_ref( toDate   , setToDate   , QDate );
-    property_decl_ref( QString, HTMLBaseDir, HTMLBaseDir );
-    property_decl_ref( QString, HTMLBaseURL, HTMLBaseURL );
-    property_decl_ref( QString, HTMLDestURL, HTMLDestURL );
+    property_ref( HTMLBaseDir, setHTMLBaseDir , QString);
+    property_ref( HTMLBaseURL, setHTMLBaseURL , QString);
+    property_ref( HTMLDestURL, setHTMLDestURL , QString);
-    property_decl_ref( QString, password, Password );
+    property_ref( password, setPassword , QString);
     QString imageDirectory() const;
@@ -255,19 +230,9 @@ private:
 } // end of namespace
-#undef intProperty
-#undef boolProperty
-#undef colorProperty
-#undef sizeProperty
-#undef stringProperty
-#undef stringSetProperty
 #undef property
-#undef property_1
-#undef property_2
-#undef property_decl
-#undef property_decl_copy
-#undef property_decl_ref
+#undef property_copy
+#undef property_ref

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