[KPhotoAlbum] Thumbnail loading speed vs. size.

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Tue Sep 2 16:05:11 BST 2008

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Henner Zeller <h.zeller at acm.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> -- ppm --
> 1 thread               avg/usec
> file::retrieve()       1209.870
> -- jpg --
> 1 thread               avg/usec
> file::retrieve()       7853.912
> -- png --
> 1 thread               avg/usec
> file::retrieve()      15607.223

> I'd vote for disobeying the standard and use PPM instead of PNG by
> default, but provide an option in the SettingsDialog that allows to
> switch to PNG if the user wants to have it slow but compatible ;-).

I second this!

Still the thumbnail generation is the slowest thing on KPA and makes
me wait the most. Disk space is cheap, faster computers.. there's a
limit in what's available and also the prices get high and there's no
way to make a core2duo computer 10 times faster but doubling the disk
space is not a big deal..

So yes, go for ppm and enable the possibility to switch back to png if

And if you have interest, post the results somewhere so that also
other developers using thumbs would see this: is it only a problem of
KPA or a general thumbnail problem..

Way to go! If you can make the thumbs generation 5-10 times faster
during your development sprint, it makes me already happy :)


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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