[KPhotoAlbum] KPhotoalbum KDE4 Plasmoid

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Wed Jul 23 07:09:09 BST 2008

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Mark Eichin <eichin at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have most of the pieces of a (pure python) xscreensaver module that
> would take a tag... but I run kphotoalbum off of external storage now,
> and never actually have my photos online when my screensaver would
> run, so I never quite finished it...
> It's actually not that hard - python-xlib to render, PIL to convert,
> cElementTree to read the index.xml.

heh, you make it sound so easy :) But too bad, I don't have the
skills.. Someone who's looking for a new fun challange could do it :)
(but first help with the KDE4 port of KPA :)


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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