[KPhotoAlbum] crash when calling external tools

Jan Kundrát jkt at gentoo.org
Wed Nov 7 16:15:40 GMT 2007

vincent delft wrote:
> I've got the following crash when I rigth-clic on a
> picture and try to open it with showfoto: 
> "
> kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers :
> servicetype  not found
> ASSERT: "offers.count() == 1" in ExternalPopup.cpp
> (74)
> KCrash: Application 'kphotoalbum' crashing...

Could you please try the attached patch and report back what it prints
on stderr before the crash?

My wild guess is that KPA's query for matching applications generates
empty result set, but I'd like to know that for sure before fixing.


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth
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