[KPhotoAlbum] merging two index.xml files... how?

Tero Tilus tero at tilus.net
Fri May 25 07:50:17 BST 2007

2007-05-24 23:00, Sujee Maniyam:
> But my laptop doesn't have the space to contain my entire image
> collection.

You only need the images you want to process.  AFAIK KPA should
gracefully handle missing (and reappearing) images and you could just
copy index.xml and needed photos over.

> I know KPA has an 'import' feature.  Will it tackle this problem?

It propably will.  I haven't actually used it.

Tero Tilus ## 050 3635 235 ## http://www.tilus.net/koti/tero/

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