[KPhotoAlbum] Delete select (images) dialog

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Sat May 19 20:36:18 BST 2007

2007/5/19, Robert L Krawitz <rlk at alum.mit.edu>:
>    Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 20:29:34 +0300
>    From: Tuomas Suutari <thsuut at utu.fi>
>    On Saturday 19 May 2007 19:08, Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
>    > Hi all,
>    > While working on it, I realized that the current delete dialog, even
>    > with the patch removing the double checkbox isn't totally logical: =>
>    > the checkbox would contain "Don't delete, only block from database".
>    > so you could check it and click on... "Delete". I think that's not
>    > the most simple way to be understood :-), mainly for new users (I
>    > fear new users are going to wonder: "wait a minute, if I click on
>    > delete while having checked the upper box, will it anyway delete
>    > permanently my image(s)?).
>    >
>    > So, I thought about using "Proceed" text instead in the button. It
>    > seems a bit clearer, but maybe it's not the best way to go. I also
>    > lowered the font size from +3 to +2. Imo, it looks a bit better and
>    > still an important message.
>    >
>    > A screenshot of the resulting still uncommitted delete dialog is
>    > attached. Please advice. If I got two Yay about the dialog in the
>    > attachment, then I will commit it very soon :).
>    I would put it other way around, so the dialog would look like this
>    +-------------------------------------------+
>    | Remove files from the database            |
>    +-------------------------------------------+
>    |                                           |
>    | You are about to remove %n files from the |
>    | database. Do you really want to do it?    |
>    |                                           |
>    | [ ] Also move the files to trash.         |
>    |                                           |
>    +-------------------------------------------+
> Moving files to trash might not work -- your images may be stored on a
> very large filesystem, but your home directory might not have much
> space.  It might also be extremely slow for the same reason (images on
> a different filesystem from home directory).  Also, if someone isn't
> running KDE, there may be no concept of a "trash can".
> Think about what happens if you want to delete 1000 RAW files at 10 MB
> each.  There needs to be a way to outright delete files.
I think Tuomas'idea about reversing dialog is the way to go. I'm working on
it at the moment, though it's long because I discover the Qt API (btw, I
finally decided to use Eclipse, as I use it daily for Java and know it very

But we won't put photos in the trash at the moment. Maybe later we'll see if
adding for example an addional checkbox to do this (or with a config option)
is possible. I guess the time will come :).

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
Si chacun de nous a une idée et que nous les partageons, nous
repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.
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