[KPhotoAlbum] Is there a way to copy tags between photos ?

Jan Kundrát jkt at gentoo.org
Thu May 10 01:30:08 BST 2007

Martin Jost wrote:
> - A key (and/or control in the tagging window) to tell KPA: Copy the
> tags of the last tagged photo to this one. (So I can use this as a
> starting point)

The attached patch sort of implements this. It's quite dumb as it always
uses the "preceding" image regardless what direction are you coming
from, so if you have selected images #3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 and move from #7
to 5 where you press this new button, it will get tags from image #3.

Only label, description and categories are overwritten, rest of data
isn't modified.

Please review thoroughly before applying as I'm really not sure whether
it really does what it claims to do...


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth
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