[KPhotoAlbum] kphotoalbum portability

vincent delft vincent_delft at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 20 11:23:16 GMT 2007

I'm very happy with Kphotoalmbum as repository for my
photos. I particularely love his link with kipi
plugins, showfoto, ...

But, I'm facing difficulties about portability of it.

Let me expalin ;-).

As backup, I'm copying all my photos, index.xml, ...
to an external USB mas storage. 
I don't have a laptop and because I must more and more
present some of my photos (to friends, photo clubs,
...) I'm travaling more and more with this external
USB disk.

Then, I cannot profit from my tags, categories, ...
create with kphotoalbum.

My question is how to profit from Kphotoalbum
facilities (mainly the tags DB) outside the KDE
environments ?

- Is there any cross platform (most of people have
window$) viewer for the Kphotoalbum ?
A kind of KPA with Limited functionalities, but

- Since QT4 is now available for free for windows
platfroms, is there some plan to have KPA based on
such QT4?

- Is there any one already busy with such tools .

- Does any one has already tired a bootable CD with
KPA ? does this is not too slow ?

- is there a KPA plugin for imgv
(http://imgv.sourceforge.net/) ?

- other ideas ?

One could propose to use djKPA (a django application
working with the KPA DB I've written); but this is a
python-webserver!!! I'm looking for a real viewer.


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