[KPhotoAlbum] order criteria for a family photo collection

Tero Tilus tero at tilus.net
Wed Feb 21 14:16:26 GMT 2007

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Heinz Kohl wrote:
> I would jump for joy, when KPA would give the possibility to create
> more sophistic entries into the index file.

I think this is more to the point than propably anything in this
thread before.  :D

Seriously.  Reason KPA not doing that is just because nobody has
needed that possibility hard enough to implement (or motivate somebody
to implement it) yet.  I do not think extending KPA to support other
datatypes than sets of enumerations (and two date fields) would really
be a problem to an able programmer (like you).

Tero Tilus ## +358 (0)50 3635 235 ## http://www.tilus.net/koti/tero/

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