[KPhotoAlbum] Second release candidate of KPhotoAlbum 3.0.2

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Thu Apr 12 20:04:22 BST 2007

> 2007/4/12, Tuomas Suutari <thsuut at utu.fi>:
> It seems that rc1 was still too slow at start-up [1], so here is rc2.
> http://users.utu.fi/thsuut/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbum-3.0.2-rc2.tar.bz2

> [1] Risto tested with his db (43000 images) with and without cycle
> checking. Start-up times: 4min40s vs. 2min28s with his 1 GHz AMD.

1min 57sec startup time this time!!
Way to go Tuomas!



| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa.fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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