[KPhotoAlbum] Django web interface for KPA

vincent delft vincent_delft at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 28 08:32:37 BST 2006

First, sorry for this mail, because this is not
directly linked to KPA. But could interest some of

I've just finished yesterday (last tuning) a Django
web site that is closely linked to the KPA index.xml

The web site shows photos you have tagged (with KPA)
with the keyword "website". All the rest is fully
automatic: Generate thumbs, grab tags from KPA, add a
"copyright" at each photo, ... and much more.

Side to the KPA index.xml database, I use django to
store, Exif data, comments for visitors and rates.

Because we are several authors for the photos I'm
managing with KPA, I'm using a specific category
called "Author". This allow me to make filters based
on Author, Tags or both.


1) Sorry my web site is in french.
2) could be slow because the server is a Pentium II
with 400MHz behind a 128Kb/s network line.

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