[KPhotoAlbum] Privacy feature not working anymore

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Sat Sep 16 18:37:22 BST 2006

2006/9/16, Jesper K. Pedersen <blackie at blackie.dk>:
> On Monday 11 September 2006 07:37, Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
> | Hey,
> |
> | After my recent email saying that converting from kimdaba xml to
> | kphotoalbum svn version, I lost the privacy settings that was hiding
> | images owning a particular keyword by default...
> |
> | So I just decided to try and reactivate it, but I can't manage to do
> | it. Is there anybody able to use it with the svn version ?
> Now it should be working in SVN again, thanks for reporting.

I just reimported my photos with KPA from my old kimdaba XML file and it
just worked fine. My private images are still not visible => perfect.

Thanks a lot Jesper.

> | So this way, the number of images displayed in this corner and in the
> | main window are not the same : shouldn't it be the same, so as not to
> | help the user notice there could some images that are not displayed
> | which could be found somewhere ?
> As the documentation says, this is not meant as anything but ensuring that
> your little sister sees some stupid picts of you. Tell her that it is a
> bug
> in the app that it shows the wrong number :-)

Well, yes. I guess that's what I would have done anyway :-). But the thing
is : I show images to my family, which is now mainly composed of adults. So
if I'm using KimDaBa/KPA as an example to show how great Linux is, and have
to say that there contains a bug some minutes after, maybe this would be a
bit sad :D.

Anyway, it does not matter.

Thanks again.

Baptiste <Batmat> Mathus
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
Si chacun de nous a une idée et que nous les partageons, nous
repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.
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