[KPhotoAlbum] Tagging multiples images one-by-one : not showing the first image in the thumbnail

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Wed Nov 1 13:28:53 GMT 2006

2006/11/1, Jesper K. Pedersen <blackie at blackie.dk>:
> I've even seen the problem here, but I can't reproduce it consistently -
> actually I dont see it more than once every 100 times.
> I assume you see it all the time right?

Yes, I just tested with the demo db, and it does the same : show all
the thumbnail, then ctrl-A, ctrl-shift-1 => image of you with hair up
not showing :-)...

Wait wait wait, I just noticed something interesting : coud it
possibly be just a problem of repaint ? I explain : I'm using virtual
desktops under gnome, so while I'm writing this mail on the second
one, kpa is launched on the first. I just did ctrl-a, ctrl-shift-1 on
the demo db, and you did not show up. Then I went back to this email
on the second desktop, and then back again on kpa on the first => the
photo is visible...

Hope his helps :-/

PS : I sent another mail yesterday with some attachments, it seems it
has been moderated (by you ?). Should I resend it without attachment
or will you allow it to be sent ? Thanks
> On Wednesday 01 November 2006 00:02, Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
> | Hi again,
> |
> | One more bug of mines (question from a non native speaker : can we use
> | mine in a plural form ?) I just cope with since a lot of time,
> | thinking this is due to my conf... I decided to ask others to see if
> | it's actually and thoroughly the case :-).
> |
> | When viewing images in the thumbnail view, if I select some images to
> | tag them one by one (opening the dialog by ctrl-shift-1 or by
> | right-click/context option gives the same result), after the dialog
> | opens, it says in the title 1/23 say, but it's not automatically
> | showing this first image. The thing I've been getting used to do is :
> | click on the right arrow, then on the left one to return on the first
> | image, and then view the thumbnail... Not particularly user-friendly,
> | admittedly :-).
> |
> | Anybody with the same problem ?
> |
> | Thanks a lot again :).
> --
> Having trouble finding a given image in your collection containing
> thousands of images?
> http://www.kphotoalbum.org might be the answer.

Baptiste <Batmat> Mathus
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
Si chacun de nous a une idée et que nous les partageons, nous
repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.

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