[KPhotoAlbum] General interfacing (was Re: Configuration dialog RFE/annoyance)

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Mon Mar 6 16:10:16 GMT 2006

On 3/5/06, Robert L Krawitz <rlk at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> I'm at around 11,000 photos right now.  We've had a lot of discussion
> on the list here about the importance of scaling to 50,000 or more.
> Every now and then I try playing around with f-spot or digikam or
> whatnot, and I never find it very satisfactory.

I've some 46 000 photos, taken by several persons along the last 5 years.
At first saving the data was a pain but after changing from KDE to
OpenBox (= releasing most of my 400+MB memory) it's running nice'n

Searches, browsing and everything is just nice (ok, with some seconds
of waiting but it's still very useable) so thank's to everyone who've

I'm waiting for the next stable to update from KimDaBa to KPhotoalbum..



|risto h. kurppa
|risto at kurppa.fi

|kfor.kurppa.fi - rauhanturvaajana Kosovossa
|www.vastavalo.fi/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=820 - fotoja

|Kissoja ei kannata imuroida. Ei edes vaikka ne olisivat  tosi
likaisia. - Antti 8v

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