[KPhotoAlbum] Re: Configuration dialog RFE/annoyance

Mark Eichin eichin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 18:20:52 GMT 2006

Actually, every time I restart kimdaba, the first time I edit picture
tags I close that entire panel (so I have description in the upper
left, 3 columns of tags below, and picture itself in the upper right -
I end up doing some resizing to make the picture larger too.)  I'd be
happy if that just "stuck" across runs of kimdaba.  [Note that I'm
using the ubuntu Breezy version - 2.1-1 - so this may have been fixed

I'm sure that's not universal - but I personally *never* want to
change timestamps (all my pictures come from a camera with sufficient
EXIF time) and I care more about description than title - but more
about tags than anything.

ps. I *love* kimdaba (and yes, I prefer the original name :-) Partly
it's because the tagging is a much better job of something I tried to
implement myself.  But things like "semi-hierarchical" tags are a
"just right" compromise between full unusable hierarchy and flat
ambiguous tags - if I weren't using kimdaba, I'd have to steal that
idea :-)

pps. coming soon - a flickr/kimdaba sync tool that uses tags, instead
of a separate UI.  (I use it heavily but it's not quite
end-user-friendly enough...)

On 3/4/06, havoc <havoc at harrisdev.com> wrote:
> Excellent point, Robert.
> jody
> Robert L Krawitz wrote:
> > When you start the configuration dialog the focus is on the Label
> > field, which is probably the single least useful place for it to be
> > (particularly in multiple image mode).  The problem is if you type
> > ctrl-2 and then start typing you can very easily accidentally change
> > the labels of a very large number of images, which is a very
> > destructive operation.  I did it the other day, and recovering was a
> > bit tedious.
> >
> > If an arbitrary choice has to be made, I'd say that keyword would be a
> > better place to start with focus.  Another option would be to disable
> > the label box in multiple-image mode.
> >
> --
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_Mark_ <eichin at thok.org> <eichin at gmail.com>

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