[KimDaBa] trying to generate database for 50 000 images - KimDaBa crashes

Eivind Kjørstad ekj at zet.no
Fri Jan 13 17:48:51 GMT 2006

On Friday 13 January 2006 13:41, jerome wrote:
> Chars:
> [a..z][A..Z][0..9] "-" "." "_" No space is better
> If you do that, you don't have any pb for PC <--> Mac <--> web or any
> new or old system, in any language.

Sure you do. I have lost *count* of all the times I've seen webpages that 
have the basic problem that PC (i.e Windows) is case-insensitive, while 
urls, and unixen are case-sensitive.

(i.e. linking to "FOO.HTML" which is *actually* "foo.html" works fine on 
the local machine, but breaks horribly the moment you upload it to the 
web, or try it on a different OS.)

	Eivind Kjørstad

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