[KimDaBa] Poll: are you ever reordering your images [Please answer]

Martin Höller martin at xss.co.at
Tue Jan 3 13:52:35 GMT 2006

On 03 Jan 2006, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:

> On Tuesday 03 January 2006 14:30, Martin Höller wrote:
> |
> | Just one more thing which came to my mind: what about images with
> | time-ranges or incomplete dates? How could these be ordered?
> Well they can't, on the other hand other applications doesn't offer this 
> feature either, so I was wondering if anyone was using this specific feature 
> of kimdaba, which seems like none really are.

Actually I did for some older pictures without EXIF information and
without my knowledge about the exact date.

I have a few images that have an incomplete date (say 1996) or a range
(say 1992 to 1994) when I just can't remember exactly when they were

But if I'm the only one who uses this, I can live without this feature and
just "guess" the exact date ;-)

- martin

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