[KPhotoAlbum] Compile failure with gcc-4.1.1

Tuomas Suutari thsuut at utu.fi
Mon Aug 7 09:25:03 BST 2006

On 2006-08-07 Monday 05:44, Christophe Choumert wrote:
> Hello,


> I spotted a Settings template class used in Exif/SearchDialog.cpp - I
> don't know where it comes from - which is confusing the compiler,
> since line 67 is obviously referring to the namespace Settings :

I tried to fix this by using :: in front of Settings so it would not 
refer to Exif::Settings, but I don't have gcc-4 so can't test this.

Christophe, could you please "svn up" and try compiling again?

Tuomas Suutari | +358 50 3806983 | thsuut at utu.fi

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