[KPhotoAlbum] sql problem (?)

Mark Zealey mspam at zealey.org
Sun Apr 9 13:33:32 BST 2006

Hi, when I run kphotoalbum 2nd April snapshot I get tonnes of messages like:

Error running query: INSERT into exif values ('/home/mark/images/2005 
China/Ruth''s pictures/p8300022.jpg', 7.2, 0.029496, -1, 3.2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 
2, 128, 2, 'OLYMPUS_IMAGING_CORP.  ', 'X450,D535Z,C370Z')

Is this a problem with my setup or ?




Mark Zealey
http://mark.zealey.org  (Diary at http://mark.zealey.org/diary)

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