[KimDaBa] cd archiving plugin

Scott Lair plaircpa at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 14 04:27:25 BST 2005

Having trouble with the cd archiving plugin.  I
am using slackware 10.1 and have installed
kimdaba 2.1 from linuxpackages and the 0.1.0beta2
of the kipi-plugins.  When running the cd
archiver plugin I  have selected about 150 photos
amounting to about 125mb of data.  However when I
run the archiver K3b gives an error saying "could
not open document". The panel in kimdaba does not
show an error

Now if I try running the archiver again, this
time leaving k3b running, I do not get the error,
however the archive created appears to include
all the files in my home directory.  Again the
kimdaba panel does not show an error. Strange. 
Any ideas on how to fix this?


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