[KimDaBa] Next release one week, then what?!

Franz Graf franz.graf at gmx.net
Sat Apr 30 22:30:16 BST 2005

Some ideas for the next release:

- Dynamic searches (this was already mentioned some while ago): search is 
defined as usual, and search criteria then be stored under a name and later 

- Allow numerical searches (with >, >=, <, <=, etc) for categories: eg, as a 
tunnel geologiest I define a category Chainage (the location in the tunnel). 
Now I want to find all images with chainage between 1200 and 1850. 

- Sort selected images by other criteria than date/time, e.g. by path, 
filename, or even some EXIF data. Eg, when I modify an image dsc_1234.jpg, I 
store it usually under names like dsc_1234_bw1.jpg or similar. Sorting the 
images by filename would make it easy to have all related images in sequence.

- Copy attributes, ie persons, keywords etc are copied from one image to the 
other. For modified images it would even make sense to copy/paste the 
original's date/time. One could mark exactly one image, Edit - Copy 
Attributes, mark other images and Edit - Paste Attributes. Or handle it 
similar to MS Word with the "properties brush".

Finally one question: how does Jump to Context work?

Jesper, cheers for this great software,


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