[KimDaBa] Settings Persons kills Date information

Martin Hoeller martin at xss.co.at
Mon Apr 4 15:33:59 BST 2005


On 04 Apr 2005, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:

> I have a vague felling that I fixed this problem a long time ago. Can anyone 
> help me with my memory?

On 2005-01-09 you answered a Mail as follows:

| I've now fixed this bug.
| A work around for kimdaba 2.0 users is to not use kimdaba in a translated 
| version.

If I unsterstood the question right, this is exactly the same problem.

The original mail can be found on
if the site works again, i read it from google-cache:

- martin

    mailto:martin.hoeller at xss.co.at  | 
http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e9926483  |      Reality corrupted.
                       icq:45563199  |    Reboot universe? (Y/N)

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