[KimDaBa] A (minor) bug and a wish

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Tue Mar 2 19:20:10 GMT 2004

Am Dienstag, 2. März 2004 18:54 schrieb Jesper K. Pedersen:
> Florian Lindner <mailinglists at xgm.de> writes:
> | Hello,
> | when I start kimdaba and exit is immediately it always asks me, if I want
> | to save changes, although there no changes.
> OK, I'll look into that thanks.
> | And one wish: (which I've already mentioned, and you seemed to be ok with
> | that):
> | Select the image by the path they are saved:
> |
> | Locations               Subfolder 1 / Subfolder 2
> | Persons                             ^
> | Keywords                            |
> | Path      -> Folder 1 / Folder 2 / Folder 3
> | Date
> | ...
> |
> | I hope you get what I mean...

Ok, right now I can create subsets of the pictures by selecting a location, a 
person and so on. I would like to have another criteria: The path of a 

If there are pictures in (relative to the kimdaba picture root folder)


So I can click of Path, then on Vacation, on Spain, on Madrid-June-2003. Then 
I get all pictures in this folder....

Is it clearer now?


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