[KimDaBa] Patch: Make KimDaba produce valid html.

Eivind Kjorstad ekj at zet.no
Thu Jan 29 15:07:03 GMT 2004

Hi !

The attached patch makes Kimdabas export produce valid html according to 
the service at http://validator.w3.org

It is pretty minimal, but perhaps not optimal, spesifically it does:

* Provide alt-tags for all images, as required by the DTD, presently 
I've just set the alt-tag to be equal to the filename, migth be better 
to set it equal to the image-label or something like that.

* Provide a <meta> tag specifying the content and encoding, set to 
iso-8859-1, if we actually do utf8 this should be changed.

* provide a header saying we're trying to do html 4.01/transitional 

I apologise in advance if you guys don't like attachments and prefer 
patches as Linus-like plaintext-in-mail, only say so and I'll do it 
rigth in the future.

		Eivind Kjørstad
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