[KimDaBa] MD5 sums completed.

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Mon Jan 19 21:38:56 GMT 2004

Just a news flash.
Today I completed the MD5 sum feature we've talked a bit about.

Here is how it works:
When an image is loaded, its md5 sum is calculated and stored in the db.
when new images are found it is checked if their md5 sums is already in the
db, and is that the case, the file is simply assigned to that record
(ups.... that makes me realize a bug) it should of course only be assigned
if the original file doesn't exists any more.

Due to some coworkers of mine who is into cryptology, the chances of two
files having the same MD5 sum is in the order of magnitude of 1 to 2^64, so
I don't think there are any reason to fear that kind of problems ;-)

So with this new code you can move your files around inside the KimDaBa
directory hierarchy.

I've made a new snapshow available which as usually can be downloaded from 


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