[KimDaBa] kimdaba rocks, html export, relaxng shema, mailing-list
Jesper K. Pedersen
blackie at kde.org
Mon Jan 19 09:55:32 GMT 2004
Jean-Michel FAYARD <boulot.dodo at laposte.net> writes:
| > |
| > | * about the ml
| > | the website http://gmane.org provides a very useful
| > | NNTP <==> most mailing-lists of free-software projects <==> web interface
| > | [...]
| > rather not. I have so little time for KimDaBa, that I really do not want to
| > spent time on to many administrative things, sorry.
| Oh, I really understand.
| If you agree, I can do this myself, and it won't bother you after that ;
| it will just be that the mailing-list could be reached with an alternative
| way.
I can see you did it already.
I've made a link on the website.
| > | * Is kimdaba's database format documented anywhere ?
| > | I was looking for a DTD, XML shema or something else
| > | for a thing I will explain in a separate mail, but I
| > | was not able to find it.
| > |
| > | If not, I've created a RelaxNG shema (compact syntax),
| > | mainly to see how the database looks like.
| > | It's not (yet) a reference, just a thing good enough to
| > | valid my current database.
| > Nope, but it is indeed pretty simple.
| >
| It's not that it is a big deal to understand the format, but I want
| to make the life easy for people writing similar apps to do some
| import/export with my data.
| I've browsed the source code to complete my initial shema ;
| please accept this new version as the database documentation.
| datatypes xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"
| start =
| element KimDaBa { Config & kimdaba.Options & ConfigWindowSetup & Member-groups? & Images }
| Config =
| element config {
| config.attlist,
| element SearchInfo {
| attribute label { text },
| attribute description { text },
| element Options {
| attribute optionGroup { text}?,
| attribute value { text}?
| }?
| }?
| }
| kimdaba.Options =
| element options {
| element option {
| attribute icon { text },
| attribute name { text },
| attribute text { text },
| attribute show { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute type { xsd:integer }?,
Where did you get this from?
| attribute size { xsd:integer }?,
Where did you get this from?
| element value {
| attribute value { text }
| } *
| }*
| }
I don't know about the ConfigWindowSetup, I simply get that from KDockWindow
| ConfigWindowSetup =
| element configWindowSetup {
| Dock*,
| SplitGroup*,
| Widgets?,
| Geometry?
| }
| Dock =
| element dock {
| element name { text },
| element hasParent { text },
| element dragEnabled { text }
| }
| SplitGroup =
| element splitGroup {
| element firstName { text }&
| element secondName { text }&
| element orientation { xsd:integer }&
| element separatorPos { xsd:integer }&
| element name { text }&
| element hasParent { xsd:boolean }&
| element dragEnabled { xsd:boolean }
| }
| Widgets =
| element centralWidget { text },
| element mainDockWidget { text }
| Geometry =
| element geometry {
| element x { xsd:integer },
| element y { xsd:integer },
| element width { xsd:integer },
| element height { xsd:integer }
| }
| Member-groups =
| element member-groups {
| element member {
| attribute group-name { text },
| attribute option-group { text },
| attribute member { text }
| }*
| }
| Images =
| element images {
| element image {
| image.attlist &
| image.Options? &
| Drawings?
| }*
| }
| image.Options =
| element options {
| element option {
| attribute name { text },
| element value {
| attribute value { text }
| } *
| }*
| }
| Drawings =
| element drawings {
| element Line {
| figure.attlist
| }* &
| element Circle {
| figure.attlist
| }* &
| element Rectangle {
| figure.attlist
| }*
| }
| figure.attlist =
| attribute _lastPos.x { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute _lastPos.y { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute _startPos.x { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute _startPos.y { xsd:integer}?
Yiaks, did I really start the attrib with an underscore tsk tsk ;-)
| image.attlist |=
| attribute monthFrom { xsd:integer },
| attribute dayFrom { xsd:integer },
| attribute yearTo { xsd:integer },
| attribute monthTo { xsd:integer },
| attribute file { text },
| attribute label { text },
| attribute angle { xsd:boolean },
angle is an integer
| attribute dayTo { xsd:integer },
| attribute yearFrom { xsd:integer },
| attribute description{text }
| config.attlist |=
| attribute thumbSize { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute trustTimeStamps { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute autoSave { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute maxImages { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute ensureImageWindowsOnScreen { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute htmlBaseDir { text }?,
| attribute htmlBaseURL { text }?,
| attribute infoBoxPosition { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute showInfoBox { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute showDrawings { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute showDescription { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute showDate { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute locked { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute exclude { xsd:boolean }?,
| attribute passwd {text}?,
| attribute imageDirectory { text }?
| config.attlist |=
| attribute version { xsd:integer }, # TODO what version format ?
| # can have attribute like viewerWidth_%1 where %1 is the screen resolution or something like that.
yup, its the resolution. It makes it possible to specify different sizes
for your desktop machine and your laptop.
| attribute viewerWidth_1024 { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute viewerWidth_1280 { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute viewerHeight_1024 { xsd:integer }?,
| attribute viewerHeight_1280 { xsd:integer }?
These comes from the above.
I'm sorry, I'm really no XML expert and the xml files has been developed on
a need to have basis. So I can't guarantee that the above is correct.
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