[KimDaBa] EXIF tags

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Sat Jan 3 10:04:41 GMT 2004

Shawn Willden <shawn-kimdaba at willden.org> writes:

| On Friday 02 January 2004 12:00 pm, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:
| > Yes there is.
| > See the TODO item from the homepage at http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/
| Ahhh... I actually did look there first, but the line "read date and 
| rotation out of the JPEG file info" line didn't jump out at me.  I was 
| looking for something that said "EXIF", I suppose.
| I may take a stab at adding this over the weekend, since I've got over 6000 
| images, all with accurate EXIF data, and manually entering all those dates 
| is just not going to happen.  Any thoughts about how this should or should 
| not be done?  I think it should probably only read the EXIF tags from an 
| image the first time it is seen, although perhaps it would be nice to have 
| a way to tell KimDaBa to "load EXIF data now" for an image or set of 
| images.
Well if you could supply me with code for reading EXIF data, then we are a
long way, the rest I could easily handle.

My greatest concern about all this EXIF stuff is to rely on 3rd party
libraries. You have no idea how many people ask me how to compile kimdaba
on system XXX. If an extra dependency to some third party library is added,
then I'd have to mess with configure files for ever, plus do support to
people to whom this configure test fails.
So if you look into this, please try to see if you can use, whatever,
functionality already is in kde-graphics (still 3rd party to kimdaba, but
not as 3rd party as some foo.lib only partly supported...)

| Another feature I'd like to add is the ability to change thumbnail size on 
| the fly, with a pulldown box in the menubar.  Any comments on this one?
I'm not sure about the released version, but in the one in CVS, changing
the size in the options dialog, and pressing OK, changes the size right
I'm not sure how useful it would be to have the possibility to change stuff
on the toolbar anyway - personally I've always only used one icon size,
namly 128, which seems to be just perfect.


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