[KimDaBa] Nice pictures online (reloaded)

Guy Zelck gzelck at tiscalinet.be
Sat Feb 14 10:05:54 GMT 2004


Your very 1st faq entry already contains an error. Jesper is from 
Denmark, not from Nederland.


Jean-Michel FAYARD wrote:

>I did quite some work to improve Kimdaba HTML export filter.
>It's far from finished, but I wanted to know from you how much the idea sucks...
>The demo is here
>Those links apprarently didn't work yesterday when I posted
>to the mailing-list, but I am told from someone outside my university
>that you can now access them
>Can somebody confirm it ?
>Here is the README file you can find on the first link :
>                           =======================
>			   +     WHAT'S THIS ?   +
>                           =======================
>Q: Nice pictures 
>A: Thank you, but they are not from me, but from Jesper, the author from Nederland of &kimdaba;   
>Q: What is Kimdaba, and why it's great ? 
>A: Check out the site http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/  
>«	  I needed a tool to help me describe my images, and to search in the
>pile of images. This is exactly what KimDaba is all about.
>	  KimDaba focuses on three key points:
>	   1)  It must be easy to describe a number of images at a time. It must
>for example not take more than a few mouse clicks to mark all your images from
>your holiday as being from Italy, 1992. KimDaba offers two ways of description
>images one at a time, which is useful for writing text about images, and All
>Simultaneously, which is useful for selecting a number of images, and setting
>properties like location, persons on images, and date of image.
>	   2)   It must be easy to search for images. KimDaba offers to describe
>images with a number of properties. These includes date, persons on image,
>location of image, plus a keyword field the user can use for custom keywords
>like Album 7 or Holiday trip to Italy. With KimDaBa you can search for in each
>of the categories - Find the images with Jesper on them.
>	   3)   It must be easy to browse and View the images. When viewing
>images, your focus often changes - one moment you are looking at images from
>your holiday in 1992, and when seeing an image of a friend whom you spent that
>holiday with, you focus suddenly changes, so you want to see all images of that
>friend. »
>Q: What is currently not so great ?
>A: We cannot currently share all those info with others.
>    They are a number of thing we can do to improve this :
>	- Jasper plans to add an export ability, se we will
>	we able to merge the databases from two persons who have KimDaBa
>	- We could use the IPTC standard and hope other application
>	will be smart enough to handle them correctly
>	- HTML is _the_ universal standard.
>	Kimdaba has a simple HTML filter, and on KDE you can find other
>	very nice software to generate albums, but they of cours all
>	loose the features 2) and 3) of Jasper's list, and are so
>	boring linear.
>	Why can't we do a proof of concept to see if we can add that
>	to the HTML export ?
>Q: Good idea ! I know a bit of PHP, I start to code it.
>A: That's what I've begun to do, only not with PHP, but with Javascript+DOM+CSS.
>    Not everyone has a PHP-able website, and what is very good with Javascript
>    is that I will be able to use it with images stored on my CDs.
>Q: Ok, with which browser does it work ?
>A: Hopefully, it can work every standard compliant browser without too much headaches. 
>    I work with MozillaFirebird 0.8 and Konqueror from KDE 3.2 and
>    latest Opera.
>    Internet Explorer would be another problem, but I don't have tested it.
>    (As a side note, I run KDE 3.2 on Mandrake 10.0 Beta, and I had
>    the good surprise to see KimDaBa in the software (not by default though))
>Q: OK, how does it work ?
>A:  Bad. It has a lot of bugs (Why doesn't this next button in the viewer do the same
>    as clicking on the image) and missing features (I hope to be able to Search soon).
>    Besides, it is ugly.
>Q: No, I mean, how does it work ?
>A: Ok, you have 4 main HTML pages :
>    ThumbnailView.html    Viewer.html	Category.html  Kimdaba.html  
>    In each of them, you can see a thing like :
>    <head>
>	<title>KIMDABA</title>
>	<script type="text/javascript" src="a.js"></script>
>	<script type="text/javascript" src="util.js"></script>
>	<script type="text/javascript" src="Kimdaba.js"></script>
>    </head>
>    <body onload="chargement()">
>    The a.js is generated from the index.xml database by a XSL-Transform stylesheet :
>	$ xsltproc images.xsl index.xml > a.js
>    This contain all setting generated from KimDaBa, and first of all, all the metadata
>    converted in Javascript structure.
>    See Appendix A
>    All things common to every page goes in « util.js », and each page source a
>${name}.js which contains all what create the page, including the chargement()
>    We communicate context information between pages in the URL and store it
>    in the global « Session » variable.
>    See Appendix B
>Q: It's really buggy.
>A: Yes, it's javascript. 
>    the Debug() and DebugSession() helps me to debug it.
>    There are also a few tricks, such as adding a second parameter to the splitValidArgs() or parseURL() function 
>Q: I have some comments, ideas, patches, flames,... Where can I send them ?
>A: Let's discust on the mailing-list.
>	    Appendix A:
>	    Data structures :
>Here are described the different global variables and their type :
>* Categories *
>is a Hash(   key,	value)
>	    "Keyword",	  ||
>	    "Locations",  \==>.icon
>	    ...               .name  => "holiday"
>                              .show
>                              .text
>                              .values=> List of : 
>					          .value => "holiday"
>                                                  .images=> List of index of the Images variable
>getCategories()	    store the infos in Categories
>imagesInACategory   store the infos in Categories[key].values[index].images
>* Images *
>is a List of :
>	    .clefs  => valeurs
>	    .label  => "img001"
>	    .file   => "img001.jpg"
>	    .options=>	Hash(	  key,	 ,    value)
>				"Persons"  ==>  List of persons
>				"Keywords" ==>  List of Keywords
>getImages()	    store the infos in Images
>* MemberGroups *
>Note: I don't do anything with them currently.
>is a Hash(   key,       value)
>          "Spain"  =>	    .optionGroups  = "Locations"
>                            .members	   = List "Madrid", "Barcelona", ...
>* MISC *  Some global variable that are used :
>DebugLevel   => put 1 in argument of Debug to see the debug infos.
>		put a value bigger than DebugLevel when all works fine
>	    Appendix B:
>	    Context information :
>the pages page in {Kimdaba,Category,Search,ThumbnailView,Viewer}.html are
>called with a url in the form of :
>   ${page}?ImageSize=800;persons=Jeffer;persons=Sandra;keyword=holiday;ImageSize=64;Category=persons;Start=1;End=100
>On the other side, we have the very important Session variable :
>Session : we maintain this object which has the following fields :
>    Session.Pref is a hash of the session Preferences
>    Session.Pref =
>	Start=>10
>	End  =>20		(ThumbnailView.html) range of images to be displayed
>	Category=>Persons	for Category.html	: the category to display
>	ImageSize=>640		for Viewer.html	: the size of an image
>	I=>0			Which image see in Viewer.html
>    Session.Search	is a hash of the current search
>    Session.Search =   
>	Locations=>Grand Canyon
>	Persons=>Spiff|Jesper
>    Session.Images is an array of the images matching the search
>    Session.String	     is the valid part of the Sessionearch
>	"Persons=Spiff;Persons=Jesper;Persons=Anne Helene;Locations=Grand Canyon"
>There are a couple of functions to parse the url to generate a session, or the inverse :
>    generateAnchor( "Page.html", "Additional args for the url")
>    generateURL( "Page.html", "Additional args for the url")
>This two functions check what will go in Session.Pref 
>    validateSessionArgument(key,value)
>    validateEnd()
>This one call them, parse the rest of the URL to find a valid
>search, and return an object from the same class as Session
>    splitValidArgs();
>KimDaBa mailing list
>KimDaBa at klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se

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