[KimDaBa] Re: Really quit after "Save Changes ?"
Jesper K. Pedersen
blackie at kde.org
Wed Dec 8 20:51:45 GMT 2004
It should indeed quit, and I can especially not see why your changes should
make any difference at all
Without the goto, the flow of control should silently get to the doQuit label
Do you really experience any difference with this change?
On Wednesday 01 December 2004 20:32, Jean-Michel FAYARD wrote:
| Is there a reason why Kimdaba does not quit when you have not-yet-saved
| changes and you don´t choose "Cancel" on the "Save changes ?" dialog ?
| It´s a small thingy, but it bothers me when I want to log out of KDE
| and KimDaBa discards the whole thing.
| cvs diff: Diffing .
| Index: mainview.cpp
| ===================================================================
| RCS file: /home/kde/kdeextragear-2/kimdaba/mainview.cpp,v
| retrieving revision 1.151
| diff -u -p -r1.151 mainview.cpp
| --- mainview.cpp 10 Nov 2004 04:38:33 -0000 1.151
| +++ mainview.cpp 1 Dec 2004 19:26:36 -0000
| @@ -213,9 +213,11 @@ bool MainView::slotExit()
| return false;
| if ( ret == KMessageBox::Yes ) {
| slotSave();
| + goto doQuit ;
| }
| if ( ret == KMessageBox::No ) {
| QDir().remove( Options::instance()->imageDirectory() +
| QString::fromLatin1(".#index.xml") );
| + goto doQuit ;
| }
| }
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