Konversation Assistance

Mageau, Jamie [US] (AS) James.Mageau at ngc.com
Thu Jul 23 20:42:43 BST 2020


We are migrating from web based ChatZilla to another chat application for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  We are in the process of evaluating the Konversation application and have a few questions that we are unable to find the answers or have not been able to make it work in our lab environment.

Does Konversation have the capability to...

1.     the ability to link to a web browser?  With CZ, a new browser tab could be opened and the user could type: "Type/Copy: chrome://chatzilla/content/chatzilla.xul in the url line and have it open a new window to CZ before or after connecting to a server.

2.     allow for commands from the input line:  /alias, /scroll, stalk (highlight) commands,

3.     change the default settings for our use and what is the location of the that file.

4.     run scripts/java, e.g..  a chat bot to use for load testing?

I appreciate your assistance.

Thank you,


JAMIE "MISTER" MAGEAU  |  Engineering Systems Test
Northrop Grumman Corporation   |   Aeronautics Systems
O: 321-586-8236  |  F:  844-538-7525  |  james.mageau at ngc.com<mailto:james.mageau at ngc.com>

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