[Konversation-devel] Highlight / Regex

Nick Cross konversation at goots.org
Fri Sep 27 14:09:13 UTC 2013


I would like to use the notification/highlighters with regex in 
Konversation but have been having problems getting it to work.

On a channel a typical messages might be

[27/09/2013 15:03] <nc> ther: Yeah
[27/09/2013 14:55] [Notify] fnr is online (irc.xxxx.com).
[27/09/2013 14:22] <-- tk (~tk) has left this channel (Leaving).

I want it to match just the conversations i.e. the first line, none of 
the notify or channel messages. So far crafting any regex more complex 
than a simple .* pattern doesn't seem to work. Would anyone have any 
advice on this? Is the timestamp included in the pattern?



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