[Konversation-devel] User mode changes

Lothar Braun mail at lobraun.de
Fri Feb 24 12:14:40 CET 2006


when playing around with user mode changes, i realized that i miss some 

1.) There is /op and /deop but /voice and /unvoice. I'd like to have the 
command /devoice  :)

2.) I couldn't find an easy way to give/take away channel half-operator 
status. I'd like to have some command like /hop + /dehop or /halfop 
+ /dehalfop for that job.

3.) I'd like to be able to take away @,% or v from myself by simply 
typing /deop, /dehop or /devoice (without writing my own nick) in the current 
channel window.

I worte a little patch that implements these features. I used /hop + /dehop 
for issue 2.) because xchat implements these commands, too.

Could someone review and apply this patch?

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