[konsole] [Bug 436471] "Show Statusbar" menu item doesn't work

Ahmad Samir bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Fri Aug 13 19:21:53 BST 2021


Ahmad Samir <a.samirh78 at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/util |https://invent.kde.org/util
                   |ities/konsole/commit/090356 |ities/konsole/commit/fb7f83
                   |661c92bfedeeeaf6f4f77d294fa |8fd3138a39aea3bcb2e91f92374
                   |cb3d8c6                     |1587137

--- Comment #6 from Ahmad Samir <a.samirh78 at gmail.com> ---
Git commit fb7f838fd3138a39aea3bcb2e91f923741587137 by Ahmad Samir.
Committed on 13/08/2021 at 18:21.
Pushed by ahmadsamir into branch 'cherry-pick-09035666'.

Fix KXmlGUI toolbars; and Konsole MainWindow size

Call setupGUI(), which will call createGUI (since we set the
KXmlGuiWindow::Create flag), omit the StatusBar flag since we don't have a
statusbar and don't want the "Show StatusBar" menu action.

TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint() calculates an optimum size for itself,
including the sizes of its child widgets; added in efb621d091c05f11 by
Mariusz Glebocki; following the code:
MainWindow creates a ViewManager
ViewManager creates a TabbedViewContainer and then a TerminalDisplay

which means that the first time TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint() is called
the TerminalDisplay widget size is 0, then TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint()
would return 0.

Which is why calling resize() in MainWindow was delayed to the showEvent(),
(and even delayed more by a QTimer::singleShot() call in Application),
at which point all the child widgets have been created and
MainWindow::sizeHint() (which logically takes into account the sizeHint()
of its child widgets) would return a sensible size.
Related: bug 430036, bug 439339

(cherry picked from commit 090356661c92bfedeeeaf6f4f77d294facb3d8c6)

M  +12   -5    src/MainWindow.cpp


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