Hello, two questions/problems (+ some) with my Konsole

Kurt_009 kurt.hindenburg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 21:26:58 BST 2021

Hi, adding the Konsole mailing list in case someone else can reply before I do.


> On Apr 16, 2021, at 3:36 PM, Jani robsku Saksa <robsku at kapsi.fi> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had some issues with Konsole - with links opening in not my default browser, and with a missing key-binding for one basic functionality.
> Prelude: I'm not a KDE user - but I wanted to try out KDE Plasma Desktop on my laptop, so I once installed meta-package plasma-desktop, which was given me as a simple and working way to install the KDE with all it's "default KDE desktop" stuff with it. This was advice for my Distro, Linux Mint 19.3 (could've still been 19.2 when I did that), from the official help-chat channel an IRC, but the KDE session seems like it's "messed up" in that it seems to lack a lot of necessary stuff and lack much features.
> Anyway, I'm not sure whether I installed Konsole before that or after - maybe it should come with the plasma-desktop by default, but maybe it's one of those things missing from my installation... But there was a short time that I had configured Vivaldi as my default browser (in XFCE desktop), and it might be that this within the period when I installed Konsole... Now, the thing is, I changed my default back to FireFox, now every terminal emulator supporting opening links opens them in FireFox, but Konsole still opens them in Vivaldi (which normally means it launches a second browser with several windows and hundreds of tabs on top of FireFox (13 windows, >1000 tabs currently, working cleaning that up ;) ). It also does this when I open documentation from Help-menu (unlike other applications, it doesn't even ask if I want to open the Online Documentation, it just does it).
> It's damn annoying, and with applications tied to desktop environments rather nowadays this "registry" (gconf, etc.) instead of application specific config files - I have no idea where would I begin to look for settings, and if this is even Konsole specific (as there is no GUI configuration option in Konsole I'm guessing it's using KDE's (if installed) configuration for default applications like browser - so question 1 is, how can I make Konsole use FireFox? ....or in future my GUI browser launcher script, which when set to default "browser", asks for which browser I want to open the link in and gives me choice no matter what browser I'm currently running, to open in that one?...
> The second is about very standard hotkey in even simplest terminal emulators. It's usually Shift+PageUp/PageDown, for scrolling the terminal backlog up and down with keyboard. The common hotkey I mentioned doesn't work and there is no option for scroll up/down in Konsole key bindings configuration... So how do I scroll with keyboard on Konsole?
> Also, as bonus. TERMCAP/TERMINFO - Is there one specifically for Konsole, and with the extra TrueColour codes defined in it? And how best recognize if I'm running under Konsole, from app/script? How could I write one myself, if there isn't one, so env variable TERM could be set to "Konsole" and it could look up and fine correct TERMINFO (or that correct TERMCAP could be set up for the shell session)? My question about recognizing Konsole is in case TERM is set to xterm-256colour or something (because no TERMINFO for "Konsole"), are there sure way (it doesn't have to make sure someone's hasn't just set up fake env variables that would normally be present only in Konsole) to recognize if the terminal is Konsole, AND if it's compiled with full-colour support (I don't know if it's even an option at build time to leave it out)?
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> - Jani "robsku" Janegirl Saksa
>   Peace, Linux & Love

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